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Check out our product lineup!

Railcore Upgrade Parts

Upgrade Parts




Phrozen Transform
LCD Mount

3d Printer

Rose Engine

Tormach Storage Accessories

i3 Printer Enclosure

3D Printer, Rose Engine, CNC Accessories and CNC Machining Services

Mandala Rose Works, LLC is a provider of woodworking and metalworking products and services. We sell 3D Printer Upgrades, Rose Engines and Ornamental Turning accessories, Milling Machine accessories, as well as providing custom machining and laser services for all of your production needs. We specialize in short and long run machining, 3d CAD Drafting, and CNC Programming and are located in Oak Grove, MN.


  • Projects done right the first time.
  • Keep you informed on the status of your project.
  • Availability when you have questions or concerns.
  • Fast turnaround on projects with tight deadlines.


  • Quality products and warranty.
  • Customer Service when you need it.
  • Modern materials and technology makes our products lightweight, yet sturdy.

Easy to Work With - We take your needs and concerns into consideration whether we are doing custom work for you, or you need specialized modifications to our products.

Is it Perfect? - Before we send a product out, we ask ourselves this question. If it's not as perfect as we can make it, we work until it meets our standards.

Years of Experience - Many years of experience allows you to rest assured that we can get done what you need.

Customer Comments

"I'm just SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This came out far beyond anything I imagined. You really rock!"

"... you have made this experience as pleasant and easy as possible."